Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Like all other Mondays...weird.

A quick story before I go to bed. It's probably not all that funny to anyone but me, but if you want to know anything about the place where I work, this will provide a pretty good mental image I think.

There is a really (REALLY) chatty guy in my office. He's older and a preacher and very friendly. He likes to walk around and pop into everyone's cubicle every once in a while. Today, he popped into mine and started talking about how the soap in the bathroom is really harsh on his hands. I empathized. He asked if he could borrow some of my hand lotion. I agreed, but warned him it was heavily Berry-scented. Then I remembered I had a smaller travel-sized lotion in my purse that was unscented. I hand it to him. He takes a teeeeeny tiny little dab and says he doesn't want to use it all up. I tell him no worries, go ahead, use as much as you need. He says thanks and walks away with the bottle...never to be seen again.

I went to CVS after work and bought four new travel-sized bottles--just in case.


Bonicita said...

Geez...I mean, I guess it's not really stealing since you gave him open reign of the bottle but still...

Alissa said...

Yeah, I was more shocked at him just walking away with it. I think I stared for at least two minutes at the wall, thinking, "Hmm, that's a first!"

[LaLa] Lauren said...

I wonder if he would have done that with the berry scented one?